Florida has taken a model policy approach accelerating at-risk students through online learning. Beginning in 2009-10, each of its school districts must provide eligible students—including those in dropout prevention programs, career and technical programs, and the juvenile justice system—with the option of a virtual instruction program using online and distance learning. For students who need to recover credits and build their skills, particularly those confined to detention centers, virtual instruction can provide a viable pathway toward graduation. Florida also is one of the few states to require that certified teachers provide at least 85 percent of the instruction to these students. Virtual courses in Florida are funded at full FTE (Florida Statute § 1007.23).

While Florida has invested heavily in online learning as a strategy for helping students get back on track, the state keeps its compulsory attendance age at 16 and allows local education agencies to determine policy around student eligibility for free public education.

Florida is nationally renowned for its P-20 data warehouse; and is one of twelve states that currently weigh the National Governors Association's cohort graduation rate in their accountability systems.  

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