Dual Enrollment Policies that Support Early College Strategies for Low-Income Youth

Elevating Model State Policies and Taking a Snapshot of the Field

Nationally, states urgently need to dramatically increase the number of young people who are pursuing postsecondary education credentials or degrees upon graduation from high school. This aspiration is critical for all of our nation’s youth, especially students who are economically disadvantaged, first-time college goers, and racial and ethnic minorities. Unfortunately, these subgroups are often cited as those left academically behind their peers by the time they enter ninth grade, and if they do graduate from high school, they do so without the knowledge or skills to enter postsecondary education college- and career-ready.

Taking into account the nation’s troubled economic environment and today’s competitive marketplace, state policymakers and education leaders need to invest in strategies that help build bridges for students to make the transition from high school to college. Early college pathways, which provide students with an opportunity to earn college credits before leaving high school, are a proven promising approach for raising college readiness and creating greater alignment between secondary and postsecondary education. Unfortunately, these opportunities are not equitably distributed across all communities and school districts, and low-income students and youth underrepresented in higher education are participating the least in college courses as high school students.

To maximize the impact of accelerated learning opportunities, state leaders must promote dual enrollment policies that support early college pathways to serve a broader population of high school students and ensure that all students—particularly low-income and minority youth and first-time college goers—receive a head start on college in high school.

An Assessment of the Policy Landscape and Recommendations for Improvement

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Given the research about how dual enrollment can raise high school and college success, state policymakers have become increasingly interested in expanding participation, although few states design their dual enrollment policies with this purpose in mind. With the right policies in place, states can support the development of partnerships between schools and colleges that create an on ramp to college, particularly for low-income youth and students who might not participate in postsecondary education otherwise.

Jobs for the Future closely analyzed dual enrollment policies in all 50 states to determine each state’s progress in creating conditions that support early college strategies for low-income youth. JFF has identified six model policy elements that define a new dual enrollment policy framework (described in detail under the Elements link at left). The elements are based on current research and expert thinking in the field,  JFF's independent research on state policy environments, and our on-the-ground experience with effective dual enrollment policies and programs nationwide.

The map shows the extent to which each state has put these model policies in place. State profiles, accessed by clicking a state or using the State Profile menu at left, provide detail for states where at least one model policy element is in place.

To ensure the information on this site remains accurate and up to date, we invite the public to contact us with updated information or feedback.


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Back on Track

Back on Track is the term JFF uses to describe schools and programs that serve the off-track and out-of-school student population and put them on a path to success in postsecondary education. Back on Track schools combine challenging academics that prepare students for postsecondary success with a high degree of academic, social, and emotional support, often offered through community partnerships. Back on Track schools are designed to meet the needs of students at different points in their academic trajectory and help all young people make successful transitions to postsecondary education and careers.

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