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The research team’s findings are arranged in a searchable matrix that shows the goals and purposes for which they can be used. The main view categorizes funding streams by the federal agencies that administer them, and within larger agencies, the offices that administer those funds. Both the CFDA numbers and program names are listed to guide searches for additional information about funding streams. Additionally, the entries are categorized by PBI/P3 program use. The matrix is sortable by multiple specifications that an end user may be interested in such as: age group served, intervention type, and amount of grant.

The guide features specific details of interest relating to these programs for PBI and P3 grantees, which are described below.
  • Type of funding: Defined as discretionary, entitlement, mandatory, statutory, this category aligns to the How Are Funds Distributed? category. 
  • PBI and P3 program use: Offers eligible ways grantees may choose to use individual funding streams.
    • P3 categories include: serve disconnected youth, evaluation, programs, support communities that have experienced civil unrest, training and employment.
    • PBI categories include: building neighborhood capacity, neighborhood revitalization, serve promise zones, and urban development.
  • Service type: Offers suggestions of the types of direct and indirect services that each funding stream may support, which include: provider outreach, training and technical assistance, support in college, student support, afterschool programs, child care, financial assistance, college completion, community development, community support services, employment, workforce training, leadership development, mental health, physical health, parent engagement, youth development, truancy/violence prevention, substance abuse, law enforcement, gang prevention, diversion, delinquency prevention and services for runaway and homeless youth.
  • Service approach: Categorizes the type of service that the program employs to meet its outcomes: child and youth development, prevention and intervention.
  • Other allowable uses: In some instances, funding may be used for secondary uses beyond those stated. These uses include: financial aid, institutional development, infrastructure and facilities, research, technical assistance and training.
We recommend that PBI and P3 communities consider these categories as search drivers, especially when using the tool to explore new opportunities to better coordinate funding and services. Here are some scenarios that illustrate how they may use the tool.
  • Springfield just completed an analysis of the services their community offers for older youth. Through this analysis, they learned many youth are interested in going to college but lack information about how to access financial aid. The community coordinator completes a search of programs by Service Type to identify the funding streams that they can leverage to support information sessions, mentoring activities and assistance with federal student financial aid forms.
  • A community place-based initiatives team has an emergency convening in the wake of an incidence of civil unrest. The team uses the tool to search by PBI and P3 Program Use to identify funding streams that they can leverage to address critical short term needs that just arose.
  • Our city, a P3 site, has just appointed a new coordinator of youth prevention services. Her colleague suggests that she review the tool, searching by Service Approach to become familiar with the funding streams and agencies that administer prevention programs. 
Options for drop-down fields
  • Target Age Range: Yrs 0-5; Yrs 6-17; Yrs 18-24
  • Program Goal: Academic; Social/Emotional; Vocational; Civic; Physical Health and Nutrition; Mental/Behavioral Health; Career Readiness; Basic Needs; Quality Early Education and Care; Pediatric Health
  • P3 Approach: Serve disconnected youth; Training and Employment; Support communities that have experienced civil unrest; Evaluation
  • PBI Approach: Building Neighborhood Capacity; Neighborhood Revitalization; Serve Promise Zone; Urban Development
  • Service Type Age Range: Pre-K; K-12; Postsecondary; K-Postsecondary
  • Service Type: After School Programs; Community Development; Child Care; Counseling; Employment/Workforce Development Training; Family Support; Home Visiting; Leadership Development; Mental Health; Parent Engagement; Pre-College Preparation; Physical Health; Provider Outreach, Training and TA; Runaway and Homeless Youth Services; Substance Abuse; Truancy Violence/Prevention; Other (explain in Additional Notes); Student Support; Financial Assistance; Law Enforcement; Community-Based Support Services; Diversion; College Completion; Delinquency Prevention; Gang Prevention; Summer
  • Service Approach: Intervention; Prevention; Child and Youth Development
  • Eligibility Requirements: ELL; Special Needs; Gender; Boys and Men of Color; Disadvantaged Populations; Disabilities; Migrant Children; Juvenile Justice; Children of Veterans; Native Americans; Medically Underserved Populations; Rural Districts; Hawaiian Natives; Alaskan Natives; STEM; Title I Eligible; Pregnant Teens; Homelessness Status; Foster Youth; Other (specify)
  • Flexibility and Amount of Administrative Allowances: Other; Eligibility Requirements; Reporting Requirements; Allowable Uses; Application Process; Award Requirements; Renewal Process
  • Program Number: Department's reference number for the program in question (can use this to easily search for the program on Catalog for Domestic Assistance or department website)
  • Federal Agency: Agency that oversees the program
  • Administering Office: Sub-unit that administers and manages all details relating to that program (including the funds)
  • Program Name: Full Name of Program
  • Link to Most Recent Recipients: Link to webpage with most recent list of grantees/recipients of funds from this program
  • Type of Assistance: Are these funds written into law/mandated by statute or are they discretionary (at the will of the legislature and departments)? For more information, please refer to the "Funding Types" tab.
  • Distribution/Granting Schedule: At what point in time are funds distributed? Is this cyclical, based on a certain calendar or at a custom point in time? Select "federal, state or other" (and explain other in additional notes).
  • Typical Recipient: What type of group (public, private, nonprofit) and/or level of government receives these funds? Select from array of options in the spreadsheet.
  • How are Funds Distributed? What is the process by which entities receive their awards? Who is the primary administrator?
  • Target Age Range: What age group do these funds typically target? Select from "0-5, 6-17, and 18-24."
  • Program Goal: What element of a child or adult's life does this program aim to address? Select from "academic, vocational, civic, social/emotional, physical/nutritional and mental/behavioral health."
  • P3 Program Use: How can this program be re-purposed for P3 funds; does this program meet the absolute priority to serve disconnected youth or the competitive priorities listed in the reference terms Select from "serve disconnected youth, training and employment, evaluation and support communities that have experienced civil unrest"
  • PBI Program Use: How can this program be re-purposed for PBI funds; does this program focus on community, place-based uplift and revitalization? Select from "serve promise zones, building neighborhood capacity, urban development and neighborhood revitalization" if applicable
  • Service Type Age Range: At what point in the educational continuum does the program apply? Select from "Pre-K, K-12, Post-Secondary or K through Secondary"
  • Service Type: What activities does this program primarily support? Select any of the options specified in the column.
  • Service Approach: How does the service address the program goal? Select from "intervention, prevention and child and youth development."
  • Other Allowable Uses: Are there any specified uses (in addition to the program purpose) that program funds can go to? Select from "institutional development, infrastructure and facilities and technical assistance and research" if applicable.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Specify the groups that the program explicitly devotes its funds to (Note target populations listed in reference terms and specify any others listed in program name/description)
  • Funding Range: List the range of funds devoted from the program to grantees (i.e. the lowest to the highest amount allocated)
  • Duration of Funding Stream: List the length of time that funds from this program will last before re-application or re-allocation
  • Flexibility and Amount of Additional Allowances: What type of exception or exemption (if any) are mentioned to program requirements and/or the application process? Select from "eligibility requirements, reporting requirements, award requirements, allowable uses, renewal process, and application process."
  • Provision for Coordination: Does this particular funding stream advise applicants (in statutory language or in the program criteria) to partner with other agencies or entities to accomplish program goals? Select "yes" or "no."
  • Matching Requirement: This column asks users to indicate whether the applicant and/or a partner entity must match a proportion of or the whole allocation of funds; typically for formula grants
  • Additional Notes: Use this column to include any other relevant details or requirements not included in the aforementioned categories
Funding Types
  • Formula Grants:  Funding allocated to states, counties or cities from a federal agency according to distribution formulas set forth in program regulations. Funds are then, in turn granted or distributed by the state to other organizations or programs based on a plan approved by the federal agency.
  • Project Grants: Money awarded, usually through a competitive process, to fund a project for a set period of time.
  • Cooperative Agreement: Federal funding awarded to a non-government agency to carry out specific services or implement a specific program. This differs from a grant in that there is significant government involvement in the project.
  • Entitlement: Federal program guarantee individuals access to some benefit based on membership in a defined group or legislation.
  • Training: Programs must provide instructional activiites for individuals not employed by the Federal government.
  • Direct Payment for Specified Use: Federal funding distributed to encourage or subsidize a particular activity. Recipient of funds must meet performance metrics and expectations to receive the funds.
  • Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use: Federal funds given directly to beneficiaries who satisfy eligibility requirements. An example is payment under a compensatory program.

For more details visit: https://www.cfda.gov/index?s=generalinfo&mode=list&tab=list&tabmode=list&static=assistance or https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/learn-grants/grant-terminology.html#E   

Where to Go for More Information and Details

The tool provides links to agencies’ lists of current grantees for all programs, but a user may want to access more information from other sources. There are a number of other public sources that individuals can consult to gather additional insights about the funding streams and programs listed in the matrix. They include:

  • The Catalog of Federal Domestic AssistanceAs implied by its name, this resource lists all programs that support initiatives within the United States and are funded by the federal government.
  • Federal Agency WebsitesEach of the federal agencies in the tool provide publicly available information on their websites about the programs they fund and administer.
  • Federal Agency Funding Forecasts. Federal agencies compile annual forecasts that list when grants and discretionary funding will be awarded during a federal fiscal year.
  • Federal RegisterFederal agencies must publish news of upcoming grant competitions and funding requirement changes here. As a result, it is a great source by which individuals can monitor future opportunities.
  • Grants.govThis website administers most discretionary and competitive grants awarded by federal agencies. The website provides further information about each grant and serves as an application portal.
  • Youth.gov. This website curates information of interest to youth, parents and youth program providers. Available information includes: funding, program information, program location and resources on youth-related topics.

State or City Agency Contacts. When considering questions about block or formula grants administered at the state or local level, the local or state staff administering these programs should serve as your first resource. You can find these contact names either on the federal list of fund recipients or in state or local online directories.

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